Changes to Entertainment Consent Rules in South Australia

Recent changes to the entertainment consent rules in South Australia have cut red tape and reduced the costs to licensee to provide entertainment until midnight.

In a bid to encourage more live music, a licensee will no longer require consent of the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner to provide entertainment between 11am and midnight on any day. However, a licensee will still require consent to provide entertainment outside of those hours or to provide ‘prescribed entertainment’.  Prescribed entertainment includes entertainment of a sexually explicit nature, a professional or public boxing or martial art event or other entertainment prescribed by the Regulations.

Existing entertainment conditions will not apply between 11am and midnight. This includes conditions previously imposed by the licensing authority as a result of conciliation following a noise complaint.  If a licensee wishes to change their existing entertainment conditions to reflect the times during which the conditions now apply, an application to vary licence conditions can be lodged with CBS with a reduced application fee.

Before introducing any new forms of entertainment or changing the style of the operations/entertainment, licensees are encouraged to obtain advice to confirm that this would not infringe the new rules or any approvals with the local Council.

If you have any queries regarding the new entertainment consent rules, please contact Jarrod Ryan ( or Alyce Cassettai (